Search Results - teacher

Our Teacher’s Notebook (Öğretmenin Not Defteri 1) Online Hot Sale

Our Teacher's Notebook (Öğretmenin Not Defteri 1)These notes remind me of teaching I started long years ago, and each one recalls my dear students, with their shining faces, and the questions they asked with their believing hearts and pure spirits. I wanted to talk them in these lines and pages,...


Textbooks: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Educational Resources

As students dive into their academic journey, textbooks become their faithful companions, helping them gain knowledge and excel in their studies. With countless options available, selecting the right textbooks can make a significant difference in a student's learning experience. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key aspects to...


Selected Poems of Rumi Hot on Sale

Selected Poems of RumiIn recent years the stirring, unforgettable poetry of Jal?lu’l-D?n R?m? (1207–1273), the great S?fi teacher and the greatest mystical poet of Iran, has gained tremendous popularity in the western world. Although he died over 700 years ago, his poetry is timeless. In the best modern translations, the...


Kelebek Zihinli Çocuk Online Sale

Kelebek Zihinli Çocuk Jamie’nin tek dileği normal olmak. Fakat dikkat eksikliği ve hiperaktivite bozukluğu ona beyninde kelebekler uçuşurmuş gibi hissettiriyor.Elin’in tek dileğiyse mükemmel olmak. Ancak o zaman ailesinin yeniden bir araya geleceğine inanıyor.Jamie ve Elin’in hayatları ummadıkları bir anda ve beklemedikleri bir yerde kesiştiğinde ikisinin de hayatı baştan aşağı değişiyor ve...


Aisha Siddiqa Fashion

Aisha SiddiqaAisha (ra), the wife of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), was an extraordinary human being. She was highly learned and is considered to be one of the foremost scholars of the early Islamic period. She recorded the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and, being a brilliant scholar and an...


Kitap Okuyorum 8. Level English Supply

Kitap Okuyorum 8. Level English1-I Believe in Allah2-I Believe in Angels3-I Believe in Divine Books4-I Believe in Prophets5-I Believe in Hereafter6-I Believe In The Destiny And Divine Decree7-Essence of Wisdom8-Ali ibn Abu Talib9-A Tribute to the Prophet Muhammad10-Teacher in a Foreign Land M. Fethullah Gulen


11/22/63 Online

11/22/63ON NOVEMBER 22, 1963, THREE SHOTS RANG OUT IN DALLAS, PRESIDENT KENNEDY DIED, AND THE WORLD CHANGED. WHAT IF YOU COULD CHANGE IT BACK?   In this brilliantly conceived tour de force, Stephen King--who has absorbed the social, political, and popular culture of his generation more imaginatively and thoroughly than any other...