Search Results - slim

The Little Girl says Alhamdulillah Online Sale

The Little Girl says AlhamdulillahA little girl likes to play, search. She have a small kitty who follows her anywhere she goes. She loves birds, flowers, moon, sea and everything else. She is a muslim girl who thinks that we have many things in our life to say "Alhamdulillah".


Lailah’s Lunchbox: A Ramadan Story on Sale

Lailah's Lunchbox: A Ramadan Story*2019 Daybreak Children's Picture Book Award -- Recognizing Muslim Women's Contributions to Literature* *Notable Social Studies Trade Book For Young People 2016, a cooperative Project of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) and the Children’s Book Council**Featured Book of the Month, Anti-Defamation League**American Library Association...


Huma’s Travel Guide to Islamic Spain Online Sale

Huma’s Travel Guide to Islamic SpainA unique, dynamic, sophisticated Muslim culture flourished in Spain between 711 and 1492 CE, leaving us with some of the world’s most breathtaking works of architecture, such as Cordoba’s Mezquita and the Alhambra of Granada. But Islamic Spain is not merely a historical fact: many...


Yedinci Gün Sale

Yedinci GünÇizgilerin kürelere, zamanın sonsuzluğa, sonsuzlukların da hayâllere dönüştüğü bir hikâyedir bu. Sıradan insanların sıra dışılığı, bilinen hikâyelerin düşlere dönüşümü, zaafların asîlleşmesi, erdemlerin ardındaki günâhkârlık tüm içtenliğiyle akacak zihinlere. İnsan olmanın en zayıf ve en yüce yanları, bir hikâyenin dokunuşuyla bir kez daha bilinebilir olacak.İhsan Oktay Anar, bu yeni düşüyle...


Hani & Huda Supply

Hani & HudaHani and Huda are trying their best to be good Muslims, but they make loads of mistakes along the way. Sometimes they fail tests, use mom’s makeup, get in fights with their friends, and more. Thankfully, they have loving parents and helpful friends who help them turn things...


Predestination and Free Will: A Comparative Theological Study Sale

Predestination and Free Will: A Comparative Theological StudyThe concepts of predestination and free will have been and continue to be two of the most difficult problems of classical and contemporary theology and philosophy. The debate on the perplexing coexistence of predestination and free will has been the focal point of...